はじめての壁尻風俗 【これ以上されたら俺、ほ、本当に!】

はじめての壁尻風俗 【これ以上されたら俺、ほ、本当に!】

CV: さめたろう

RJ Code: RJ314278

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Last update: 2023/11/23

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  1. Get out.

    You don’t even pay for this, the nerve.

    There’s plenty of audience on this site, no matter the gender, who enjoys different genres of audios. If you dont like BL then simply don’t click? ( Seriously, who in their right mind claiming not to be a fan of BL, would click on the very same audio and write unnecessary comments? Immature behavior. )

    In addition, you’re being extremely disrespectful and ungrateful towards the admin, making your own demands as if you’ve done something to contribute to the VA’s and the admins or even anything on this site, how laughable. Instead of writing hateful comments, how about you use that time to re-educate yourself and learn some manners?

  2. Anonymous

    @admin ALL the BL asmr’s here on the site “otomekoe.moe” does not belong here , because the site has the word “OTOME” ( because its for otome asmr’s and not BL )

    and enough with the BL asmr’s already update , I rather have more otome asmr’s here ( I’am not a BL asmr’s fan 😛 )

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